The Apply Monthly Newsletter: June 2023
Each month we will give you the best tips and tricks to help students write compelling college essays. Make sure to forward this newsletter to anyone who needs application support.
Where you should be in the application and essay process: Creating your personal brand
At this stage, most students and families have built their school lists and they’re ready to start tackling their essays. The next step is to establish a personal brand that you’ll want to reinforce in all of your application materials to form a cohesive narrative.
Here are the tools that will put you on track to write your Common App Essay during the early summer. These resources will also prepare you to tackle your supplemental essays as the prompts are released in the coming few months.
What to watch:
What to read:
How Defining Your Personal Brand Makes College Admissions Essays More Powerful
Explore our College Essay Help Center
What to do:
Sign up for an account at Use the modules under “Brainstorm Essay Ideas” to identify your strongest traits and topics that we’ll help you translate into compelling essay content.
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